Asset Management Partners becomes Valterna
Much more steadily but no less dynamic than the financial markets themselves, we have developed very successfully as a company – thanks above all to the trust our esteemed clients have placed in us – in what is a competitive environment. Originally established by Partners Group and having gained full independence through a management buyout some 10 years ago,
we have since grown into one of the largest independent asset managers in Switzerland.
Like all successful companies, we regularly take a critical look at our own development process. In doing so, we came to the conclusion that, as part of our 10th anniversary, we wanted not only to undergo a complete rebranding but also to appear under a new brand. Hence, we are pleased to announce that we are changing our name from Asset Management Partners AG, as we are currently known, to Valterna AG during the course of the first quarter.
For you as the client, nothing changes: contacts, location, shareholder structure and everything else apart from the company name stay the same.
The whole team thanks you for your trust and looks forward to a common future as part of a partnership-based, foresighted and modern company – namely Valterna.
We are at your service
Your personal partner for all matters relating to your assets.
We look forward to hearing from you!